Algeria Hotline: 0021 3983 2000 58Argentina Centro de Valorizacion de la Vida Samaritanos Hotline: 054 022 3493 0430 Hotline E-mail: samaritanosargentina@hotmail.comCentro de Atencíon al Familiar del Suicida Hotline: (054-011) 4758 2554CAS Buenos Aires Hotline: 135S.O.S. Un Amigo Anonimo Hotline: (054 011) 4783 8888Teléfono de la Esperanza Hotline: 902 500 002Programa de Prevención, Atención y Posvención del Suicidio Hotline: (054 011) 4664 1936Armenia Trust Social Work and Sociological Research Centre Hotline: (2) 538194 / (2) 538197Australia The Samaritans, Subiaco Hotline: 08 9381 5555 Youth Hotline: 08 9388 2500 Toll free number: 1800 198 313Kids Helpline Hotline: 1800 55 1800Suicide Call Back Service Hotline: 1300 659 467MensLine Australia Hotline: 1300 78 99 78Lifelink Samaritans Hotline: 03 63 31 3355 E-mail: of Albany, WA Hotline: 08 98 422776Lifeline Australia Hotline: 13 11 14SuicideLine Victoria Hotline: 1300 651 251SANE Helpline Helpline: 1800 187 263Austria Rat auf Draht Hotline: 147Telefon Seelsorge Hotline: 142Other Hotline: 01713 3374Bahamas The Crisis Centre Hotline: 328-0922, 322-4999National Hotline Helpline: 322-2763Bahrain Helpline: 0097 161 199 188 Helpline: 0097 161 199 260 Helpline: 0097 161 199 191 Helpline: 0097 161 199 334Bangladesh Kaan Pete Roi Helpline (Grameenphone): 01779554391, 01779554392 Helpline (Airtel): 01688709965, 01688709966 Helpline (Banglalink): 01985275286 Helpline (Robi): 01852035634Barbados Samaritans of Barbados Helpline: (246) 4299999 Email: samaritansbdos@yahoo.comBelgium Tele-Onthaal Helpline: 106Le Centre de Prévention du Suicide Helpline: 0800 32 123Awel Youth Helpline : 102Vlaams Expertisecentrum Suïcidepreventie Helpline: 1813Bolivia Telefono de la Esperanza Hotline (Cochabamba) : (00 591 4) 4 25 42 42 Hotline Email: Hotline (La Paz) : 75288084 Hotline Email: lapaz@telefonodelaesperanza.orgBotswana Lifeline Helpline: 3911270Brazil CVV Sao Paulo – National Association Hotline: 55 11 31514109 Hotline: (16) 636 4111 Hotline: (91) 3223-0074 Hotline: (71) 244 6936 Hotline: (31) 334-4111 Hotline: (93) 522-0050 Hotline: (65) 321 4111 Hotline: (11) 4972 4111 Hotline: (41) 342 4111 Hotline: (13) 234 4111 Hotline: (85) 3465-1010 Hotline: (11) 448 4111 Hotline: (62) 223 4041 Hotline: (11) 744 4111 Hotline: (83) 241 4111 Hotline: (16) 272 4111 Hotline: (84) 3 221 4111 Hotline: (21) 2604-4332 Hotline: (51) 224 6111 Hotline: (17) 233 4111 Hotline: (21) 233 9191 Hotline: (12) 321 4111 Hotline: (21) 236 0536 Hotline: (41) 3381-5986 Hotline: (27) 223 4111 Hotline: (11) 247 4111 Hotline: (19) 460 4111 Hotline: (11) 5754111 Hotline: (16) 236 4111 Hotline: (11) 6197-4111 Hotline: (31) 444 1818 Hotline: (11) 577 4111 Hotline: 47 329 4111 Hotline: (11) 825 4111 Hotline: (61) 326 4111 Hotline: (11) 3242-4111 Hotline: (83) 321-4441 Hotline: (11) 883 4111 Hotline: (19) 272-7777 Hotline: (15) 232 4111 Hotline: (67) 383 4112 Hotline: (12) 233-4111 Hotline: (48) 422 4111 Hotline: (21) 2208-9898 Hotline: (16) 3721-4111 Hotline: (34) 3317-4111 Hotline: (11) 6440-4111 Hotline: (34) 3212-7583 Hotline: (19) 451 4111 Hotline: (24) 3343-7666 Hotline: (11) 7782 4111 Hotline: (13) 3467 4111 Hotline: (21) 2613-4141 Hotline: (43) 3356-411 Hotline: (51) 3065-4111 Hotline: (081) 3231-4141 Hotline: (19) 422 4111 Hotline: (81) 3421-7311 Hotline: (24) 3360-9685AMA – Porto Alegre Hotline: +55 51 211 2888 Hotline: (055) 222 6811CVV Hotline: 188Bulgaria Sofia Hotline Hotline: 0035 9249 17 223Other Hotline : 981 76 86 Hotline: 958 50 00 Hotline: 073 177 Hotline: 936 24 44 Hotline: 946 11 56Cameroon Hotline : (NIL)Canada Distress Centres Ontario Hotline: +1 (905) 688 3711 Hotline: 905 734 1212 / 905 382 0689 Hotline: +1 (905) 459 7777 Hotline: 1 800 465 4442 Hotline: +1 (905) 433 1121 Hotline: +1 (416) 247 5426 Hotline: 1 888 371 8485 Hotline: +1 (416) 636 9610 Hotline: +1 (905) 525 8611 Hotline: +1 (519) 667-6711 Hotline: +1 (905) 877-1211 Hotline: +1 (905) 849 4541 Hotline: +1 (613) 238 3311 Hotline: +1 (613) 741 6433 Hotline: 1 800 567 9699 Hotline: +1 (905) 278 7208 Hotline: +1 (519) 336 3000 Hotline: +1 (416) 408 4357 Hotline: +1 (519) 745 1166 Hotline: +1 (519) 821 3760 Hotline: +1 (519) 256-5000 Hotline: +1 (613) 544 1771Crisis Services Canada Hotline: 1.833.456.4566 Text: 45645Suicide Action Montreal Hotline: (514) 723 4000Kids Help Phone Hotline: 1-800-668-6868 Text Line: 86868Chimo Helpline Inc. Hotline: Fredericton Area: 450-HELP (4357) Hotline: Toll free provincial helpline: 1-800-667-5005Tel-Jeunes Hotline: 1 800 263 2266 Text Line: 514 600 1002Centre de prévention du suicide d’Abitibi-Ouest Hotline: 1 866 APPELLE (277 3553)Distress Line of Southwestern Alberta (Canada) Hotline: 403 327 7905KUU-US Crisis Line Society Crisis Line (Adult/Elder): 250-723-4050 Crisis Line (Child/Youth): 250-723-2040Trans Lifeline Hotline: (877) 565-8860Greater Vancouver Hotline: 604-872-3311Howe Sound & Sunshine Coast Hotline: 1-866-661-3311TTY Hotline: 1-866-872-0113The Seniors’ Distress Line Hotline: 604-872-1234Mental Health Support Hotline: 310-67891-800-SUICIDE Hotline: 1-800-784-2433Cape Verde Hotline (Int): nilCentral African Republic Hotline (Int): nilChad Hotline (Int): nilChile Teléfono de la Esperanza Hotline: (00 56 42) 22 12 00China Beijing Suicide Research and Prevention Center Hotline Hotline: Free: 0800-810-1117 Hotline: Mobile/IP/extension users: 010-8295-1332Lifeline Hotline: 400 821 1215Lifeline Yanji Hotline: (0433) 273 9595Colombia Telefono de la Esperanza Hotline (Barranquilla): (00 57 5) 372 27 27 Hotline Email: Hotline (Bogota): (57-1) 323 24 25 Hotline Email: Hotline (Medellin): (00 57 4) 284 66 00 Hotline Email: Hotline (San Juan de Pasto): 3016326701 Hotline Email: aeroban@yahoo.comCosta Rica Hotline: 506-253-5439Cote d’Ivoire Hotline (Int): nilCroatia Plavi Telefon Hotline: (01) 4833-888Cuba Hotline: 532 348 14 49Cyprus Cyprus Samaritans Hotline: +357 77 77 72 67 Hotline: 0809 1122 / Military 2345 E-mail Helpline: samscy@hotmail.comCzech Republic Modrá Linka Hotline: +420 549241010 Hotline/WhatsApp: +420 608902401Linka bezpečí Hotline: 116 111Pražská linka důvěry Hotline: 222 580 697Linka důvěry Ostrava Hotline: 596 618 908 Hotline: 737 267 939Linka duševní tísně Most Hotline: 476 701 444 Skype: ldt.mostLinka důvěry DKC Hotline: 241 484 149 Skype: ld_dkcLinka bezpečí Hotline: 116111 (děti a mládež)Other Prague Hotline: 004 202 460 80 718Denmark Livslinien Hotline: +45 70 201 201Djibouti Hotline (Int): nilDominica Hotline: 333 (Emergency)Dominican Republic Hotline (Int): nilEcuador Telefono De La Esperanza Hotline: 593 2 6000 477 Hotline: (593) 2 2923327 Hotline Email: quito@telefonodelaesperanza.orgEast Timor Hotline (Int): nilEgypt Befrienders Cairo Hotline: 762 1602/3 Hotline: 762 2381 E-mail Helpline: befrienders@befrienderscairo.comEl Salvador Hotline: 911 / 132 (Emergency)Equatorial Guinea Hotline (Int): nilEritrea Hotline (Int): nilEstonia Eluliin (Estonian Lifeline) Hotline: +372 6558088 E-mail Helpline: eluliin@jofo.eeUSALDUS Hotline: 126 Hotline: 127Ethiopia Hotline: 911 (Emergency)Fiji Ba Methodist Lifeline Counselling Service Hotline: (0679) 670565Wesley Church Counselling Services (Lifeline) Hotline: (0679) 302998Finland Itsemurhien ehkäisykeskus, SOS – palvelu Hotline: 09-731391 Hotline: 040-5032199Suomen Mielenterveysseura Hotline: 01019 5202France SOS Help Hotline: 01 46 21 46 46S.O.S Amitié Hotline: 09 72 39 40 50Suicide Ecoute Hotline: 01 45 39 40 00E.P.E. idF. Fil Sante Jeunes Hotline: 0800 235 236Fédération S.O.S Amitié France Hotline: (+33) (0)1 40 09 15 22Gabon Hotline (Int): nilGambia Hotline 117 / 116 (Emergency)Georgia Hotline (Int): nilGermany British Armed Forces Link (Germany) Hotline: 0800 181 0771 (to Samaritans) Hotline: 0800 181 0772 (to Samaritans)International Helpline Berlin Hotline: 030-44 01 06 07 Hotline: Russian service: 030-44 01 06 06Telefonseelsorge Deutschland Hotline: 0800 1110 111 Hotline: 0800 1110 222Nummer gegen Kummer Hottline (adults): 0800 111 0 550 Hotline (children): 0800 111 0 333Ghana Lifeline Hotline: 2332 444 Hotline: 233 244 846 701 (24/7 hotline)Greece Klimaka NGO Hotline: 1018Grenada Hotline: 911 (Emergency)Guatemala Hotline: nilGuinea Hotline: 122 (Emergency)Guinea-Bissau Hotline: 112 (Emergency)Guyana Guyana Inter-agency Suicide Prevention Hotline Telephone numbers (+592) 223-0001, 223-0009, 600-7896, 623-4444 Email: BBM PINS: 2BE55649, 2BE56020 Twitter: guyanaagency, WhatsApp: +592-600-7896, 592- 623-4444 FaceBook: Guyana Interagency Suicide Prevention Help LineHaiti Hotline: 114 / 116 (Emergency)Honduras Telefono De La Esperanza -San Pedro Sula Hotline: (00 504) 2558 08 08-Tegucigalpa Hotline: 2232-1314 (Of. 2232-2707) Hotline: 504-237-3623Hong Kong The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong Hotline: 2389 2222The Samaritans Hong Kong Hotline: 2896 0000Hungary T.E.S. Miskolc Hotline: (46) 323 888SOS Telefon Lelkisegely Alapitvany Hotline: (62) 420 111 E-mail Helpline: sostelefon@deltav.huMagyar Lelki Elsősegély Telefonszolgálatok Szövetségével Hotline: 116 123 sos@sos505.huKek Vonal Hotline: 116-111Iceland Hotline: 1717India Lifeline Foundation Hotline: +91 33 2474 4704 Hotline: +91 33 2474 5886 Hotline: 2474 5255104 Arogya Sahayavani 1041Life Hotline: 78 9307 8930SA-MUDRA YUVA Helpline Helpline: 9880396331SAHAI Helpline: 080 – 25497777Jeevan Aastha Hotline: 1800 233 3330Kashmir Lifeline 1 800 180 7020Fortis Healthcare Helpline (open 24hrs a day) Hotline: +91 83 7680 4102Arpita Suicide Prevention Helpline Helpline 1: 080-40503700 (10am – 1pm) Helpline 2: 080 23655557 (2pm – 5pm)AASRA Hotline: 91-9820466726 Hotline Email: aasrahelpline@yahoo.comiCALL Hotline: 022-25521111COOJ Hotline: 08322252525 (Mon-Fri 1pm-7pm)MAITREYI Hotline: +91-413-339999Roshni Hotline: 040 – 6620 2000 Hotline: 040 – 6620 2001Parivarthan Helpline: +91 7676 602 602 (Mon-Fri 4pm-10pm) Samaritans Mumbai Hotline: +91 84229 84528 Hotline: +91 84229 84529 Hotline: +91 84229 84530Makro Foundation (MAFO) Hotline: 040-46004600 (Mon-Fri 10am-7pm)Saath Hotline: +91 79 2630 5544 Hotline: +91 79 2630 0222SNEHA Hotline: +91 (0) 44 2464 0050 E-mail Helpline: help@snehaindia.orgMAITRA Helpline: 022-25385447 (9am-9pm Mon-Sat & 9am-1pm Sun)Vandrevala Foundation Helpline: +91 730 459 9836 Helpline: +91 730 459 9837Sumaitri Hotline: 2338 9090MAITHRI – Cochin Hotline: +91 239 6272 E-mail Helpline: Hotline: 500-454Government Hotline: 119 Saveyourselves .id Jakarta Suicide Hotline Squad on duty: +62 813 14988214 (Alif) +62 812 87877479 (Bibi) +62 812 90704035 (Bondhan) +62 822 46514726 (Novia) +62 812 85651224 (Sabillah)Jawa Barat Suicide Hotline Squad on duty: +62 822 46033788 (Ana) +62 813 12011131 (Ilyas) +62 813 88818145 (Marsha) +62 821 37453862 (Tika)Jawa Timur Suicide Hotline Squad on duty: +62 813 33512967 (Rosa) +62 813 36388728 (Vini) +62 812 26436448 (Michael) +62 822 32048659 (Maria) +62 821 39237856 (Liyah)Jawa Tengah Suicide Hotline Squad on duty: +62 812 216388199 (Dias) +62 812 16388283 (Ega) +62 812 31319448 (Lusi) +62 812 25828826 (Dini) +62 812 91081619 (Arin)Iran Hotline: 00989127181037Iraq Hotline: 112 / 911 (Emergency)Ireland Samaritans UK & ROI Hotline: +44 (0) 8457 90 90 90 (UK – local rate) Hotline: +44 (0) 8457 90 91 92 (UK minicom) Hotline: 1850 60 90 90 (ROI local rate) Hotline: 1850 60 90 91 (ROI minicom) E-mail Helpline: jo@samaritans.orgPieta House -In Ballyfermot Phone: 01-6235606-In Cork Phone: 021-4341400-In Finglas Phone: 01-8140774-In Kerry Phone: 066-7163660-In Lucan Phone: 01-6010000-In Midwest Phone: 061-484444-In Roscrea Phone: 0505-22568-In Tallaght Phone: 087-9368633/01-6200020-In West Phone: 093-25586Samaritans Ireland 116 123Israel “ERAN” (-ï”øò) Hotline: 1201 Hotline abroad: 972-9-8891333 Hotline abroad: 972-76-8844400Italy Samaritans – ONLUS Hotline: 800 86 00 22Telefono Amico Italia Hotline: 199 284 284Telefono Azzurro 19696Jamaica Hotline:1-888-429-KARE (5273)Japan Befrienders International, Tokyo Hotline: +81 (0) 3 5286 9090BI Suicide Prevention Centre, Osaka Hotline: +81 (0) 6 4395 4343Tell Lifeline Hotline: Counselling: 03 5774 0992 Hotline: Face to Face: 03 3498 0231Jordan Hotline: Amman: 0096 262 508 900 0096 262 508 902 0096 262 508 903 0096 262 508 904 0096 262 508 939 0096 262 508 941Kazakhstan Hotline (Int): nilKenya Befrienders Kenya Hotline: 020 2051323 SMS: 00254 707 633 692, 00254 733 656 262, 00254 775 388 222Kiribati Hotline (Int): nilKorea North Hotline (Int): nilKorea South Hotline (Int): nilKosovo Hotline (Int): nilKuwait Hotline (Int): nilKyrgyzstan Hotline (Int): nilLaos Hotline (Int): nilLatvia Skalbes 371 67222922 371 27722292Lebanon Hotline: 1564 [12 pm (noon) to 2 am]Lesotho Hotline (Int): nilLiberia Lifeline Liberia Hotline: 6534308Libya Hotline (Int): nilLiechtenstein Hotline (Int): nilLithuania Vaikų linija (Child line) Hotline: 116 111Jaunimo linija (Youth line) Hotline: 8 800 28888Vilties linija (Hope line) Hotline: 116 123 vilties.linija@gmail.comPagalbos moterims linija (Women’s line) Hotline: 8 800 66366 pagalba@moteriai.ltLinija Doverija (Support for Russian-speaking clients) Hotline: 8 800 77277Luxembourg SOS Détresse – Hëllef iwwer Telefon Hotline: 454545Macedonia Hotline (Int): nilMadagascar Hotline (Int): nilMalawi Hotline (Int): nilMalaysia Befrienders Malacca Hotline: (06) 284 2500Befrienders Penang Hotline: (04) 281 5161 Hotline: (04) 281 1108 E-mail Helpline: pat@befpen.orgThe Befrienders Kuala Lumpur Hotline: (03) 7956 8144 Hotline: (03) 7956 8145 E-mail Helpline: Ipoh Hotline: (05) 547 7933 Hotline: (05) 547 7599Befrienders Seremban Hotline: 06 7653588 Hotline: 06 7653589Lifeline Association of Malaysia Hotline: (063) 92850039 Hotline: (063) 92850279 Hotline: (063) 92850049Maldives Hotline (Int): nilMali Hotline (Int): nilMalta Appogg Supportline 179 Hotline: 179Marshall Islands Hotline (Int): nilMartinique Hotline: 112 (Emergency)Mauritania Hotline (Int): nilMauritius Befrienders, Mauritius Hotline: 46 48 889 Hotline: 800 93 93Mexico Hotline: 525-510-2550 Programa Salvemos Una Vida – 9453777 SAPTEL – 018004727835Micronesia Hotline (Int): nilMoldova Hotline (Int): nilMonaco Hotline (Int): nilMongolia Hotline (Int): nilMontenegro Hotline (Int): nilMorocco Centre d’Etude et de Prévention du Suicide Hotline: 022 382 42 42Sourire de Reda (Befrienders Casablanca) Hotline: 212 (5) 22 87 47 40 Hotline: 212 (6) 62 58 95 70Mozambique Hotline (Int): nilMyanmar (Burma) Hotline (Int): nilNamibia Hotline (Int): nilNauru Hotline (Int): nilNepal Hotline (Int): nilThe Netherlands 113 Suicide Prevention (113 Zelfmoordpreventie) Hotline: 0900-0113De Kindertelefoon Hotline: 0800-0432 (11am-9pm)New Zealand 1737.orgHotline: 1737 National Depression Initiative Hotline: 0800 111 757 SMS: 4202 Aotearoa Hotline: 0800 LIFELINE (543 354) Textline: HELP (4357)New Zealand Samaritans Hotline: 0800 726 666800 What’s Up Hotline: 0800 WHATSUP (942 8787) Youthline Hotline: 0800 376633 SMS: 234 Auckland Hotline: (09) 522 2999Marlborough Hotline: (03) 578 2333Wairarapa Hotline: (06) 379 8442Lifeline National Office Hotline: (64) 03 353 1136Lifeline Christchurch Hotline: (03) 366 6743Otago Hotline: (03) 474 9111Waikato Hotline: (07) 838 0719Southland Hotline: (03) 214 4889Nelson Hotline: (03) 546 8899Taranaki Hotline: (06) 758 6333Hawkes Bay Hotline: (06) 835 3300South Canterbury Hotline: (03) 684 4666Whangarei Hotline: (09) 437 5055Samaritans Hutt Valley (inc) Hotline: (04) 586 1048Samaritans of Manawatu Inc. Hotline: (06) 358 2442Rotorua Lifelink/Youthline Hotline: (07) 348 0567 Hotline: (7) 348 0566 Hotline: (7) 348 0565Samaritans of Tauranga Hotline: (07) 578 1002Samaritans of Wanganui Hotline: (06) 345 5090Samaritans of Wellington Hotline: (04) 473 9739Samaritans of Horowhenua Hotline: (06) 368 2122KidsLine Hotline: 0800 KIDSLINE (54 37 54)The Lowdown Hotline: 0800 111 757Nicaragua Hotline: 505-268-6171Niger Hotline (Int): nilNigeria The Joy Hub Hotline: 0700-THE-JOY-HUB (0700-843-569-482)Lagos Suicide Hotlines Hotline: 08058820777 Hotline: 09030000741Nigeria Suicide Hotline Hotline: (234) 8062-106-493LUTH Suicide Research and Prevention Initiative (SURPIN) Hotline: 09080217555 Hotline: 09034400009 Hotline: 08111909909 Hotline: 07013811143Nigeria Suicide Prevention Initiative (Private) Hotline: 08062106493 Hotline: 08092106493Norway Kirkens SOS Hotline: 22 40 00 40Mental Helse Helpline: 116 123Oman Hotline (Int): nilPakistan Umang Pakistan Hotline: +92 317 4288 665Palau MOH Hotline: 680 775 8255 Palestinian State* Hotline (Int): nilPanama Hotline (Int): nilPapua New Guinea Hotline (Day time only): 675 326 0011Paraguay Hotline (Int): nilPeru Telefono De La Esperanza Hotline: 717 003 717 Hotline: 00 51 1 273 8026The Philippines Manila Lifeline Centre Hotline: (02) 8969191 Hotline: Mobile phone: 0917 854 9191Hopeline Hotline: 804-HOPE (4673) Hotline: 0917-558-HOPE (4673) Hotline: 2919 (Globe & TM Subscribers)Poland Olsztynski Telefon Zaufania ‘Anonimowy Przyjaciel Hotline: 52 70 000 Hotline: 52 70 988Fundacja Dzieci Niczyje Hotline: 116 111Centrum Wsparcia Dla Osob W Stanie Kryzysu Psychicznego Hotline: 800 70 2222Portugal Voz de Apoio Hotline: (+351) 225 50 60 70 E-mail Helpline: sos.vozdeapoio@mail.telepac.ptTelefone SOS Palavra Amiga Hotline: (232) 42 42 82Linha SOS-Estudante Hotline: (808) 200 204Telefone da Amizade Porto Hotline: 22 832 35 35 E-mail Helpline: jo@telefone-amizade.ptQatar Hotline (Int): nilRomania Romanian Alliance for Suicide Prevention (Alianţa Română de Prevenţie a Suicidului) Hotline: 0800 801 200 Website: Email: sos@antisuicid.comRussia Samaritans (Cherepovets) Hotline: 007 (8202) 577-577Youth Crisis Line Hotline: (7) 0942 224 621Интернет-служба экстренной психологической помощи Helpline: +7 (495)989-50-50Rwanda Hotline (Int): nilSt. Kitts & Nevis Hotline: 911 (Emergency)St. Lucia Hotline: 452 -5433 / 458-2433St. Vincent & The Grenadines Hotline (Int): nilSamoa SRCE Novi Sad Hotline: (+381) 21-6623-393 E-mail Helpline: Telefonike e Ndihmës (KOAPS) Hotline: (044) 08080 E-mail Helpline: ltn@ltn08080.orgSOS Telephone Hotline: 037 23 025San Marino Hotline (Int): nilSao Tome & Principe Hotline (Int): nilSaudi Arabia Psychological Counseling Contact Center Hotline: 920 03 33 60 Hotline: 112 / 911 (Emergency)Senegal Hotline (Int): nilSerbia Linja Telefonike e Ndihmës (KOAPS) Hotline: (044) 08080 E-mail Helpline: ltn@ltn08080.orgSOS Telephone Hotline: 037 23 025Centar SRCE Hotline: 0800 300 303 vanja@centarsrce.orgSeychelles Hotline (Int): nilSierra Leone Hotline (Int): nilSingapore Samaritans of Singapore Hotline: 1800- 221 4444Tinkle Friend Hotline: 1800 2744 788(For primary-school-aged children) SAF Counselling Centre Hotline: 1800 278 0022(For Singapore Armed Forces) Youthline Helpline: 6336-3434TOUCHline Helpline: 1800-3772-252Slovakia Linka detskej istoty Slovenského výboru UNICEF (bezplatná linka) Hotline: 0800 – 112 112Linka Detskej Istoty Hotline: 116 111Linka dôvery Nezábudka Hotline: 0800 800 566Slovenia Društvo Zaupni telefon Samarijan Hotline: 116 123Solomon Islands Hotline (Int): nilSomalia Hotline (Int): nilSouth Africa Childline South Africa Hotline: 08000 55 555Befrienders South Africa Hotline: 051 444 5691 E-mail Helpline: befriend@iafrica.comBefrienders Botshabelo Hotline: + 27 (0) 51 532 1100Befrienders Setshabelo Hotline: 051 430 3555Befrienders Kwa Nobuhle Hotline: +27 (0) 41 977 3003Befrienders Mitchell’s Plain Hotline: +27 (0) 21 371 1481Befrienders Uitenhage Hotline: +27 (0) 41 922 0068Befrienders Umkomaas Hotline: +27 (0) 39 979 5741Befrienders Bloemfontein Hotline: 051 444 5000 E-mail Helpline: Southern Africa Hotline: 0861 322 322The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) Hotline: 0800 567 567 SMS: 31393OUT (LGBT) Helpline: 0860 688 688South Korea Love-Line (Sarang – Jonwha) Counselling Centre Hotline: (2) 715 8600 Hotline: (2) 716 8600 Hotline: (2) 717 8600 Hotline: (2) 718 8600Cheju Hotline: (064) 52 9191Choongju Hotline: (0441) 847-9191Chunju Hotline: (0652) 86-9191Inchon Hotline: (032) 421 9191Puchon Hotline: (032) 663-9191Pohang Hotline: (0562) 72-9191Koyang Hotline: (0344) 915-9191Kimhae Hotline: (0525) 21-9191Ulsan Hotline: (0522) 67-9191Pusan Hotline: (051) 807-9191Counsel24 Hotline: 1566-2525LifeLine Korea Hotline: 1588-9191Lifeline National Office Hotline: (82) 51 804 0896West Seoul Saengmyung Eui Chunhwa Hotline: (81) 2 2649 9232/4Seoul Hotline: (02) 916-9191Taegu Hotline: (053) 475-9191Taejon Hotline: (042) 254-9191South Sudan Hotline (Int): nilSpain Teléfono de la Esperanza Hotline: 902500002 Hotline: 717 003 717 Hotline: 91 459 00 55Anar Hotline: 900 20 20 10 Hotline: 116 111 (Telefono de ayuda a ninos y adolescentes)St. Vincent Hotline: (784) 456 1044Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sumithrayo – Bandarawela Hotline: 011 057 2222662Sri Lanka Sumithrayo – Colombo Hotline: 011 2692 909 Hotline: 011 2 683 555 E-mail Helpline: sumithrayo@sltnet.lkSri Lanka Sumithrayo – Panduwasnuwara Hotline: 037 2291718Sri Lanka Sumithrayo – Kandy Hotline: (081) 2234 806Sri Lanka Sumithrayo – Matale Hotline: 066 2223521Sri Lanka Sumithrayo – Panadura Hotline: (038) 2235291Sri Lanka Sumithrayo – Colombo South Hotline: 011 401 094 Hotline: 011 4 404 536Sri Lanka Sumithrayo ‘Mel Medura’ Hotline: 011 2694665 E-mail Helpline: melmedura@sltnet.lkSudan Befrienders Khartoum Hotline: (249) 11-555-253Suriname Hotline (Int): nilSwaziland Hotline (Int): nilSweden Nagon att tala med Samaritans Hotline: (46) 31 711 2400Nationella Hjälplinjen Hotline: 020 22 00 60Bris Hotline: 116 111 (For Children)Switzerland La Main Tendue Hotline: 143 E-mail Helpline: Hotline: 147 (pro juventute) PARSPAS Hotline: +41 (0) 27 321 21 21Syria Hotline (Int): nilTaiwan Taiwan Suicide Prevention Center Hotline: 0800 788 995 Lieline International Hotline: 1995Tajikistan Hotline (Int): nilTanzania Hotline (Int): nilThailand Samaritans of Thailand Hotline: (02) 713-6793 E-mail Helpline: samaritans_thai@hotmail.comSamaritans of Chiang Mai Hotline: (53) 225 977/8Togo VisionTogo (VTG) Hotline: +228) 90 92 22 22Tonga Lifeline Tonga Hotline: 23000 Hotline: 25144Trinidad & Tobago Lifeline Hotline: (868) 645 2800 / 645 6616Families in Action 24-Hour Hotline: 628-2333ChildLine 24-Hour Hotline: 131 or 800-4321Tunisia Emergency Hotline (police): 197Turkey Emergency Hotline: 182Turkmenistan Hotline (Int): nilTuvalu Hotline (Int): nilUganda Hotline: 0800 200 600 (Mon. – Fri, 8am to 7pm)Ukraine Telephone of confidence “Stavropyghion-058” Lviv Hotline: 058Odessa Confidence Telephone Service Hotline: 0487 327715 Hotline: 0482 226565United Arab Emirates Hotline: 800 46342 (For Indian Expats) Other: nilUnited Kingdom Samaritans UK & ROI Hotline: 116123 (free call from mobile and landline) Hotline: +44 (0) 8457 90 90 90 (UK – local rate) Hotline: +44 (0) 8457 90 91 92 (UK minicom) Hotline: 1850 60 90 90 (ROI – local rate) Hotline: 1850 60 90 91 (ROI minicom)The Hope Project Hotline: 0117 428 8930 Email: (Target – men 30 to 64 yrs)Breathing Space (Scotland) Hotline: 0800 83 85 87The Mix Hotline (under 25yrs): 0808 808 4994HOPELineUK (for under 35 yrs) Hotline: 0800 068 41 41 SMS: 07786 209697Childline Hotline: 0800 1111CALM Hotline (National): 0800 58 58 58 Hotline (London): 0808 802 58 58Get Connected (for under 25 yrs) Hotline: 0808 808 4994 SMS: 80849SANEline Hotline: 0300 304 7000Maytree Hotline: 020 7263 7070Rehab 4 Addiction (Addiction Helpline – open 24/7) Hotline: 0800 140 4690 Mobile: 0345 222 3508 International: +44 345 222 3508United States of America Hotline: 1-800-784-2433National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Hotline: 1-800-273-8255The Trevor Project (LGBT) Hotline: 1 866 488 7386International Suicide Prevention Hotline: 702 743 4340Hopeline Hotline: 919 231 4525 Hotline: 1 877 235 4525Center For Suicide Awareness (Hopeline) Text Line: 741741Trans Lifeline Hotline: (877) 565-886024-Hour Crisis & Substance Use Helpline Helpline: 800-316-9241 Hotline: 210-223-SAFE (7233)Crisis Text Line TEXT: Text START to 741-741Postpartum Support International Hotline: 1-800-944-4773New Hope Crisis Hotline Hotline: 714-New Hope (714-639-4673)SLO Hotline Hotline: 800-783-0607Netcare Access Hotline: 614-276-CARE (2273)YouthLine Hotline: 877 968 8491 Textline: teen2teen (839863)Uruguay Hotline (Int): nilUzbekistan Hotline (Int): nilVanuatu Hotline (Int): nilVatican City (Holy See) Hotline (Int): nilVenezuela Telefono de la Esperanza Hotline: 0241-8433308Vietnam Hotline (Int): nilYemen Hotline (Int): nilZambia Hotline (Int): nilZimbabwe National Council of Samaritans Hotline: (9) 650 00Harare Samaritans Hotline: (4) 726 468 – (4) 722 000 Hotline: Toll-free: 080 12 333 333The Samaritans Hotline: (20) 635 59
Indian helpline
February 22, 2024
February 4, 2024